Forth Day unterwegs
Pulled Pork, Blues and Smug Face Every now and then you learn something new. My Smug Face for example just appeared because the weather did (again) not turned out, as it was promised (as before). This time we made it to the Mützingenta (by bike) and stayed close to dry. What we already knew: A…
Third Day unterwegs
More caffeine Just for checking out the park & ride spot in Dannenberg we hooked the eBikes and startet our daily Kulturelle Landpartie trip to the Mützingenta by car. As the days before, the weather conditions could be better but…, die Region braucht Regen! And Regen it got! Well, we took a break after 2…
Der zweite Tag unterwegs
With honey, news- and weathermen It was a little challenging to get startet – because of the videothing. Finally we made it to Blütlingen, bought some local honey. Got wet at the Kommune Blütlingen with the Chaos Varieté and late on the way to Lübelner Mühle, seeing an adored ex-anchorman (again on the screen –…
The first day unterwegs
Challange the day, dry the night The KLP is more or less pending on the outside conditions. Of course there is no bad weather but just bad clothing At the end of the day it might end up cold and wet, anyhow. Not in the morning, not in the afternoon – although the challenging conditions…
The KLP begins
The Season 2022 Every time is somehow like the first time. In this case we are in time – between Himmelfahrt and Pfingsten – and it is the first time since the beginning of the corona-pandemic that we are able to celebrate our most beloved season in the Wendland. But why the first time? Well,…